Hey guys and gals!
I just got to hear a segment of one of the projects I am working on with jessieyun0404, and it is turning out wonderfully! It should be done closer to Christmas time, but it is going to be pretty big!
There are many other talented voices on this, and once I get their information I will post it on here.
I have a few other projects in the works, including a comedy album with IdioticProductions! Check out his music here! Not sure exactly when it will be done, but keep your eyes open!
I'm really looking forward to seeing these projects completed, and it makes me really happy to be a part in all of this!
Can't wait until you all can see the finished projects, and I am looking forward to other projects as well!
Anyway! Back to work before my boss catches me on Newgrounds.
Have a great day! Thanks for reading!